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Brady has more than 10 years’ experience in the environmental field. As the environmental manager at Newman Marchive Incorporated, Brady manages all environmental projects. He has extensive experience in project management, logistics, environmental awareness, financial planning, research and data collection. He also has expertise in environmental and regulatory compliance, sustainable community development regarding environmental issues with collaboration with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders.


To help the preservation of their heritage, Brady has performed building inspections of historically and cultural significant buildings, reviewing building plans and identified areas requiring redesigns or provision of mitigation to offset their environmental impacts. He has expertise in sample preparation, research and analysis to determine condition, pollution and hazards while maintaining quality controls.


He has served as the asbestos and mold project supervisor/air monitor on more than 100 projects for the firm. He has been on-site project coordinator of many abatement and demolition projects for various college campuses & commercial buildings, many of which were multi-story buildings. As a management planner, Brady works with schools and universities throughout Louisiana to ensure environmental compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act.


Brady has been certified with LDEQ as an asbestos inspector, supervisor and management planner since 2011. He has also been certified with LDEQ as a lead based paint inspector and risk assessor since 2010. He has also been certified with AARST-NPP as a RADON Measurement and Mitigation Provider/Inspector since 2016.


Recent Continuing Education:

  • Asbestos Project Designer - Lunch and Learn presentation.

Brady’s Professional Organizations include:

  • American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

  • National Radon Proficiency Program (AARST-NRPP)

  • Boy Scouts of America

  • Trinity Heights Baptist Church


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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